With You, I’ll Never Feel I Have Had Enough

Bhavya Mehta
Published in
1 min readAug 29, 2022


Photo by bennett tobias on Unsplash

With you, I’ll never feel the hug was long enough,

With you, I’ll never feel the drive was long enough,

With you, I’ll never feel we have had our favorite dish enough,

With you, I’ll never feel we have talked enough,

With you, I’ll never feel we have listened to our songs enough,

With you, I’ll never feel I have held your hand for long enough,

With you, I’ll never feel we have traveled enough,

With you, I’ll never feel the time we spent together is enough,

With you, I don’t feel one lifetime is enough,

And if by now you get the gist, for you these lines won’t ever feel enough,

Because with you there are no full stops but only commas,

Because with you I’ll never feel I have had enough.

Thank you for taking the time out to read this, and if you want to ever talk about anything under the sky or have suggestions about my article drop a comment below. You can also reach out to me on LinkedIn or Instagram.

Finally, if you wish for me to continue writing and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee here. Support Bhavya.



Bhavya Mehta

Web3 Developer | Freelancer | Writing my heart out here